We are pleased to introduce you to our new Board member, Lydia Chambers. Lydia has been working as an environmental organizer in the Chatham area for the last 15 years. She served for over a decade on the Planning Board and Open Space Committee in Chatham Township. In conjunction with the Environmental Commission, she led several environmental campaigns in her community that were later used as models for communities around NJ: pesticide-free lawns and parks, anti-idling, and anti-bottled water. Lydia co-founded a social business called Back2Tap that worked with schools, non-profits, and corporations nation-wide to raise awareness about the wastefulness of bottled water and to encourage the use of re-useable bottles. With a BA in Earth Science from Dartmouth College and an MS in Geological Sciences from the University of Colorado, Lydia worked in the oil industry for 9 years as a geological engineer and hydrogeologist.