Would you like to know more about the power municipalities have to support sustainable projects and to oppose those that are not?
Chris Miller, EELC’s Executive Director, is speaking on how towns can use their municipal land use powers to protect the environment at this year’s online Northwest New Jersey Rivers Conference coordinated by the New Jersey Highlands Coalition.
The workshop sessions at the two-day conference will give you up-to-date knowledge on how professionals protect water quality in our rivers, conserve land using the NJ MAP platform, use forests for carbon storage, remove dams, and create stormwater utilities. You are welcome to enjoy the speakers, workshops, and community and bring back to your local area what you learn.
Day 1 Schedule: November 12th – 2PM – 5PM
Day 2 Schedule: November 13th – 9AM – 12:30PM
The conference is part of the Delaware River Watershed Initiative’s work to protect the river and its tributaries and to ensure that they continue to provide clean drinking water. Chris’ workshop with Elliott Ruga of the New Jersey Highlands Coalition and Alex Ambrose of ANJEC will be on Thursday, November 13th at 9:10AM:
Advocacy at the Municipal Level: Understanding Municipal Land Use Law. Alex Ambrose, Elliott Ruga & Chris Miller. The successful support or opposition of a proposed project at the municipal level requires an understanding of the protocols, language and jurisdictions set forth under New Jersey’s Municipal Land Use Law, which delegates certain land use control powers of the State to municipalities. Find out how to be an effective advocate within the jurisdictional authority of a municipality’s governing body and land use board.
For more information and to register: https://www.northwestnewjerseyrivers.org/